Mark your calendar for Great Lake State Weekend 2018! This is LSSU’s Homecoming, and it has events for Lake State alumni, students and their families – something for everyone! Registration is free! Register online by October 18 to receive a discount on Laker hockey tickets and to be automatically entered into our Stay and Play package for free lodging and free entry into all GLSW events!
Friday, November 2
Arrive early for the Career Fair starting at noon at Cisler, or join us in honoring three outstanding individuals at the Alumni Awards Banquet starting at 5:00 pm. Laker hockey takes on the University of Michigan at 7:30pm in the Taffy Abel Arena, and Laker women athletes are gathering at the Alpha later on that evening. Registration is open at Lukenda Alumni House until 7pm.
Saturday, November 3
Registration and check-in continue at Lukenda Alumni House from 8am to 3pm. Female basketball alumni are gathering for brunch at 11am. Meet our new President Rod Hanley at 1:00 pm in Considine Hall. We’ll have Planetarium shows at 1:00 and 2:00 pm. Also at 2pm is women’s volleyball vs. SVSU and Athletic Hall of Fame inductions in the Arts Center. Alumni, students and their families can embark on a short photo scavenger hunt at 2:30 pm and Kids Kollege is back from 3-5 pm with science-based fun. The Women’s Walk event at 4:30pm begins with a reception featuring food and drinks, prize and cash raffles, followed by a spirited walk through campus (wear your Laker gear!) ending outside the Norris Center for the Tailgate Party. The Tailgate runs from 5-7 pm in front of the Norris Center, featuring food, cash bar, inflatables and other entertainment. The puck drops at 7:00 pm for a hockey re-match vs. U of M.
Reunions this year include all female alumni athletes. If you want to get your group (any group) together, contact the Alumni office and find out how we can help!
For a full schedule of campus events this weekend, background on alumni award recipients and to register online, check out the GLSW website.