LSSU Professor Jim Devaprasad Visits LSSU Engineering Alumni at Applied Manufacturing Technologies

LSSU Professor Jim Devaprasad was invited to visit Applied Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) in Lake Orion, MI on June 19, 2024. During his visit, Professor Devaprasad had the opportunity to tour the facility, see one of the company’s major project releases, and meet with several LSSU engineering alumni who work there.

AMT is a leader in automated end-of-line solutions, advanced material handling systems, and global engineering support. The company is focused on making the manufacturing process faster and more efficient. For instance, the project shown to Professor Devaprasad automates and speeds up the processing and organization of products. The large multi-robot system handles multiple pallets of products, processes them, and then re-palletizes them for distribution. This project, AMT’s second for the Life Services industry with a price tag in the multi-millions, was led by three former Lakers.

As of 2024, LSSU Robotics Engineering has had a partnership with AMT that spans over thirty years and continues to hold strong. Following his visit, Professor Devaprasad said, “It was fascinating and I had goosebumps while touring AMT and visiting our Laker engineers, whose contributions to AMT and to the robotics industry is exceptional.

(Left to right): Alumni Joe Zawodny, Professor Jim Devaprasad, Alumni Ryan Tingle, Alumni Ben Kurth

(Left to right): Alumni Matt Patmore, Alumni & AMT President Craig Salvalaggio, Alumni Todd Rockafellow, Chief Knowledge Officer Diane Haig, Alumni Brad Hacker, Alumni Chris Gomez, Alumni Kevin Ockert