University Sidebars

CFRE Building

LSSU Welcomes Start of 2024-25 School Year

Monday, August 26, 2024 marked the start of classes for Lake Superior State University students, following move-in days that took place the week prior.

Thus far, students report that their classes have had a strong start and look forward to what the 2024-25 school year at Lake State has in store.

Enjoy these photos from move-in, field day and Lakerpalooza!

CFRE Building

Lake Superior State University Welcomes New President

This summer, LSSU welcomed its 11th president, Dr. David Travis. In his inaugural address, Dr. Travis expressed his deep appreciation for the university’s unique attributes and the responsibilities ahead. “I’m honored to be the eleventh president of Lake Superior State University. When I started in this position, I knew that this university was a special place that has transformed thousands of students’ lives. However, since that time I’ve come to realize what makes it so special. The amazing commitment of our employees to helping students succeed, the support of the surrounding community, and the beauty of the campus are only some of these reasons. I am blessed to have these foundational characteristics to build upon in leading LSSU to a higher level of prominence. I look forward to the challenge.”

Read the full story of Dr. Travis' investiture here.

Dr. Dave Diles

Lake Superior State University Celebrates First Cohort of New Space Certificate Program

Lake Superior State University (LSSU) proudly announces the successful completion of the first cohort of its Space Certificate Program. Designed to equip students with practical skills for careers in the space economy, this innovative program offers an excellent opportunity for undergraduate students to gain hands-on experience in space operations, mission planning, and satellite communications. Following the success of the inaugural group, LSSU encourages new students to apply for the fall session.

Read the full story regarding the program and first cohort here.